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Internet of things-based system for physical rehabilitation monitoring


Damir Bilic, Tarik Uzunovic , Edin Golubovic , Baris Can Ustundag

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


2017 XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies


This paper describes an Internet Of Things-based wearable system for physical rehabilitation monitoring and characterization. The system is recording movement data with 3-axial accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. Data recorded by the sensors are used for characterization of movement, thus allowing for monitoring and estimation of the patients' state at all times. Main three parts of the system are: data acquisition unit, data processing unit, and cloud-based service for remote access to data. Hardware implementation is described and shown for each of the three parts. The system is demonstrated for monitoring of elbow rehabilitation. Results show that the device can be used for highly precise and accurate monitoring of elbow flexion and extension characteristics, thus allowing for remote rehabilitation tracking through the use of the cloud-based service.


author = {Damir Bilic and Tarik Uzunovic and Edin Golubovic and Baris Can Ustundag },
title = {Internet of things-based system for physical rehabilitation monitoring},
month = {October},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {2017 XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies},
url = {}