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Digital assembly instruction system design with green lean perspective-Case study from building module industry
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Smart Manufacturing
Manual “easy jobs” need to be efficient, standardised and quality assured to remain competitive against automated production. Digitalised work instructions offer an opportunity to support standardisation and quality assurance for manual work tasks in industry. Inspired by axiomatic design this study aims at selecting design of lean methods and equipment for digital assembly instructions and standardised work. Literature regarding standardised work and green lean production system is applied in a case study. Interviews, observations and green lean equipment design methods are used to conclude system requirements of a digital work instruction-system designed for assembly of modular buildings at Husmuttern AB
author = {Martin Kurdve},
title = {Digital assembly instruction system design with green lean perspective-Case study from building module industry},
isbn = {2212-8271 (ISSN) },
volume = {72},
pages = {762--767},
month = {June},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {Smart Manufacturing},
url = {}