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Using Videos to Record Lessons Learned from Production and Aftermarket Phases: Preliminary results

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Swedish Production Symposium 2014


Learning from experience has turn out to be the basis of every manufacturing company in creating and sustaining competitive differentiation. Many companies put effort in capitalizing these experiences through continuous improvement initiatives such as lessons learned practices. However, these practices are failed to address the distinct, complex settings available in manufacturing, serial production, use, and maintenance phases, where much of the learning is still tacit nature and difficult to articulate. In this context, based on three case studies in the aerospace industry, the author previously proposed a lesson learned methodology using videos as an enabling media. This paper presents some preliminary results based on the validation activities performed in the aero-engine component manufacturing company.


author = {Koteshwar Chirumalla},
title = {Using Videos to Record Lessons Learned from Production and Aftermarket Phases: Preliminary results},
month = {September},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {Swedish Production Symposium 2014},
url = {}