Christer Norström, Adjunct Professor

Christer Norström is professor in software and systems engineering. He received a Ph.D from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm in 1997, became Docent at KTH in 2001, and professor at Mälardalen University 2002.

Christers research interests are design of real-time systems, reliability and safety methods, software engineering, and architectures for real-time systems. His research is almost always carried out in close collaboration with industry. Currently his main industrial partners are ABB Robotics and Volvo CE. He is very interested in technology transfer from academia to industry and he has manifested that through several successful transfers to the automotive industry.

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Latest publications:

Managing offshore development (Jan 2012)
Petra Edoff, Christer Norström, Ylva Boivie
Perspectives on supplier innovation: theories, concepts and empirical insights on open innovation and the integration of suppliers (STM 18)

Assessment of Trace-Differences in Timing Analysis for Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Jun 2011)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Iain Bate, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
6th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES11)

PMEX – A Performance Measurement Evaluation Matrix for the Development of Industrial Software-Intensive Products (Mar 2011)
Stefan Cedergren, Anders Wall, Christer Norström
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management

An Approximate Timing Analysis Framework for Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Dec 2010)
Yue Lu, Thomas Nolte, Johan Kraft, Christer Norström
The 43th Winter Simulation Conference 2010 (WSC10), the PhD Colloquium

The PROGRESS Centre for Predictable Embedded Software Systems - Half-time report (edited version) (Nov 2010)
Hans Hansson, Thomas Nolte, Jakob Axelsson, Mats Björkman, Jan Carlson, Ivica Crnkovic, Björn Lisper, Kristina Lundqvist, Christer Norström, Paul Pettersson, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Mikael Sjödin

On Validation of Simulation Models in Timing Analysis of Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems (Sep 2010)
Yue Lu, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte, Christer Norström
The 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA10), Work-In-Progress (WIP) session.

Project TitleStatus
A Tool Environment for the Development of Embedded systems finished
Business Oriented Concept Development of Electronic System Architecture and Platforms in Vehicles finished
CHESS finished
COMET - COMponent-based Embedded real-Time database system finished
DAVID - Development of an Autonomous VehIcle Demo on-hold
Devlopment of Software Intensive Systems in Complex Organizations finished
DRIVE finished
Effective Outsourcing/Offshoring of Research, Development, and Engineering finished
Extract finished
Hi5 - A Holistic and Improved Infrastructure for Increased Industrial Impact of research finished
Methods for development of E/E-systemarchitectures in early phases finished
OpenController finished
Pasas- Analyzing the enterprise-, system-, and software architecture impact of stakeholders’ concerns for profitable industrial software systems finished
PG-Leg-Asis – Legacy Model Analysis finished
PG-Leg-Comp – Composition of legacy systems finished
PG-Leg-Extract – Model Extraction for Legacy Systems finished
PROGRESS finished
PROMPT - Professional Master’s in Software Engineering (step II) finished
Q-ImPreSS - Quality Impact Prediction for Evolving Service-oriented Software finished
RATAD - Reliability and Timing Analysis of Distributed systems finished
RELIANT Industrial graduate school: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems active
Remodel finished
SAVE++ finished
SoftIn - Introducing methods and tools for software development in small and medium-sized enterprises finished
TIMERS - Timing analysis, modeling and evaluation of RTS finished
PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Goran Mustapic (former)
Johan Kraft (former)
Markus Lindgren (former)
Pia Stoll (former)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Farhang Nemati (former)
Peter Wallin (former)
Shaibal Barua

MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Analys av OMG's Data-Distribution Service standard (Real Time Publish Subscribe) som applikationsprotokoll i tågets IP-nätverk. selected
Internetbaserad bullerövervakningsstation in progress
Kommunikationsmoduler för affärssystem in progress
Leading Quality & Efficiency Measurements in progress
A new design method for PID controllers finished
A portable protocol stack framework for embedded systems. finished
Architectural Solutions in PAM finished
Bulletin Board gruppmeddelandesystem finished
Databashantering av Robotkonfigurationsdata finished
Design methods and automatic code generation from real-time workshop in Mathlab finished
Design och implementation av en databas för små inbyggda realtidssystem finished
Fallskärmsmanifesteringsprogram finished
Flexibelt positioneringssystem för konsumentelektronik finished
FältGIS finished
GFC - Geographic FileConverter finished
Graphical Design Tools for Real-Time Systems finished
Implementation av en Databas i ett hårt realtidssystem finished
Industrial Ethernet - EtherNet/IP finished
Kommunikationskomponent finished
Kompilator system för integration av SQL- databas i Ada- baserat system genom ODBC finished
Local Interconnect Network (LIN) - Packaging and Scheduling finished
MRTOS - Modular Real Time Operating System finished
Optimal design finished
Real-Time Database Management Support in a Component Framework finished
Recording of Scheduling and Communication events on Telecom Systems finished
Timing analysis of a robot controller finished
Universal Telematics Gateway I – TWAG Light finished
Using Iterative Simulation for Timing Analysis of Complex Real-Time Systems finished
Utvärdering och testning av Rhapsody - ett modelleringsverktyg i UML finished
Videokonferenssystem över IP - En undersökning av problem, existerande produkter samt möjligheter med öppen källkod finished