Industrial Software Engineering


Focusing on engineering of complex software-intensive embedded systems, covering the entire lifecycle and including technologies, methods and processes. Particular emphasis on component- and model-based software engineering for embedded systems.

Project TitleStatus
AIDOaRt - AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems active
CoDig - Continuous Digitalization active
Digital Twins for Essential Services active
Mission and Capability Engineering for Systems-of-Systems active
Modeling and Analysis of Risks in Systems-of-Systems active
Software Center active
Software Center: Managing Model Inconsistencies active
A-CPS - Automation in High-performance Cyber Physical Systems Development finished
ACICS - Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-physical Systems finished
APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software finished
ASSIST - Analysis and Synthesis of Industrial Software Systems finished
BALSOP - Business, Architecture, Organization, and Process: Balancing Software Product Development finished
BUMBLE - Blended Modelling for Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering finished
COMING finished
CONCERTO - Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core Systems finished
Construction Factory finished
CONTESSE - Contract-Based Components for Embedded Software finished
Devlopment of Software Intensive Systems in Complex Organizations finished
DICES - Distributed Component-based Embedded Software Systems finished
ECSS - Efficient Certification of functional Safety for Software systems finished
FIND - Flexibilitet i Industriella system finished
FuturE finished
HELPING: Heterogeneous Platform Deployment Modelling of Embedded Systems finished
HERO: Heterogeneous systems - software-hardware integration finished
InCloud - Indstrial Systems Cloud Computing finished
KISEK - Collaborative Internationalisation of Software Engineering in Croatia finished
Linnaeus-Palme: Salvador Brazil finished
Linneaus-Palme: Osijek, Croatia finished
MINEStrA: Model Integration for Early Simulation and Analysis finished
MOMENTUM: analysis of models towards compilation to predictable embedded real-time and safety-critical applications finished
ORION - Decision Support for Component-Based Software Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems finished
PANORAMA - Boosting Design Efficiency for Heterogeneous³ Systems finished
PG-CBD-IDE – Integration Development Environment finished
PG-CBD-Proc – Identification and specification of CB process finished
PG-CBD-Trans – Transformation of processes finished
PG-Demo-Evolution – Progress Component Models finished
PG-Dep-ET – Enabling Technologies for Evaluating/Ensuring Dependability finished
PG-Dep-FRAMES – Faults and Reliability Aware Methodologies for Efficient Scheduling finished
PG-Dep-PEARLS – Parameterized Evaluation of Attributes of Reliable Systems finished
Q-ImPreSS - Quality Impact Prediction for Evolving Service-oriented Software finished
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures finished
SafeCer - Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components finished
Safety-Critical Component-Based Systems finished
SAVE/AutoComp finished
SC: Evolution Support for Architectural Artefacts finished
SIMMILAR: Systems-of-Systems for Intelligent Manufacturing Maintenance using Industry 4.0, Lean, AI Reasoning finished
SISTER - Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University finished
SMARTCore: Model-driven support for deployment optimization of embedded systems on multicore finished
SOFAR - Software Architecture Evolution finished
Strategic Knowledge Enhancement: International Visiting Professor, Alfonso Pierantonio finished
SYNOPSIS - Safety Analysis for Predictable Software Intensive Systems finished

Jan Carlson, Professor

Room: U1-066a
Phone: +46-21-151722