Sten Ekman is senior researcher in Innovation Science & Management with focus on design inspired innovation and innovation management. He holds a PhD from The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) with research in Sweden and Japan. He has been head of department of Innovation, Design and Product Development (IDP) 2000-2005, initiated and implemented a multiscientific milieu and was therefore awarded “the entrepreneur of the year in academic leadership” in Sweden in 2001. He is co-author of the book “Design Inspired Innovation” (2006) together with partners in USA, UK and Italy. Currently he is co-leader of the DeVIP research project on design and innovation and collaborating with Indian, US and Italian partners on design, creativity, innovation and management since 2006.
Innovation Advising in practice: Four cases where the RAFT model has been used in environmental innovations, and how twenty-one STPs offers Innovation Advising. (May 2010) Mikael Johnsson, Sten Ekman, Thomas Karlsson , Magnus Wiktorsson XXVII IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks, 2010
Innovation and Design Inspired Product Realization (Aug 2009) Mats Jackson, Sten Ekman, Anders Wikström, Magnus Wiktorsson International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED09
Developing idPeo – A Multidiciplinary Approach to Product Realization (Aug 2009) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anders Wikström, Mats Jackson, Sten Ekman International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED09
Mikael Johnsson (former)