Rikard Lindell, Associate Professor

Rikard Lindell is an associate professor in computer science with specialisation in interaction design. His research interest is in art and technology and the materiality of programming language code as a design material. Rikard's primary domain is embodied interaction and new interfaces for musical expressions, exploring the materiality of code through digital art and new interface technologies for multimedia content and creative work in cooperation. Rikard is also working on research commercialisation with experience of the tedious process of transforming an interactive research prototype to a reliable software with a sustained focus on the user experience and attending the experiential qualities of the design process. Rikard also has a music composition degree from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH). His music is available via various streaming services:

https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Pt05ellB018jz5R96Mp6W?si=kN7dtp-TRB-cAiZWcSHq0A http://soundcloud.com/rikardlindell

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Latest publications:

The Unfinder (Nov 2023)
Rikard Lindell, Henrik Frisk
International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR)

Inner City in the Listener’s Auditory Bubble (Aug 2023)
Hedda Lindström , Tanja Jörgensen , Rikard Lindell
AM '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference (AM'23)

Evaluating Graphical User Interfaces for Handling Latency in Remote Crane Operation (Aug 2023)
Theodor Fahlén , Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Rikard Lindell
36th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference (BCS HCI 2023)

Using Artificial Neural Network to Provide Realistic Lifting Capacity in the Mobile Crane Simulation (Jun 2021)
Simon Roysson , Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Rikard Lindell
22nd Engineering Applications of Neural Networks Conference (EANN 2021)

Application of Human Factors in the Development Process of Immersive Visual Technologies: Challenges and Future Improvements (Mar 2021)
Mina Saghafian , Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Karin Laumann , Kristina Sundnes , Rikard Lindell
Frontiers in Psychology (FPsyg)

Classifying Excavator Collisions Based on Users’ Visual Perception in the Mixed Reality Environment (Feb 2021)
Viking Forsman , Markus Wallmyr, Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Rikard Lindell
5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications (HUCAPP 2021)

PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Taufik Akbar Sitompul (former)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Markus Wallmyr
Tobias Holstein

MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Dashboard for e-commerce platform selected
Modeling usability of web-based document management systems selected
Web Components for Surface Interaction selected
En jämförande studie av tesselering kontra rastrering med shaderspråk för 2D geometri in progress
Implementering av körjournalshantering i intranät in progress
Multiplattform Framework for Sensor and Smartphone Communication over Bluethooth in progress
Samverkande skissning på ett digitalt paper in progress
Tron Style OpenGL ES 2.0 Shaders for iOS in progress
Interface Design for Decision Support Systems: A Case Study of a Sales Performance Management Tool finished
Taktila hjälpmedel för hörselskadade inom musiken finished
​Comparision study of cross-platform developing tools for iPhone devices finished
3D-Visualisering av radarsystem finished
A closer look and comparison of cross-platform development environment for smartphones (Working Title) finished
A Mobile Graph Like Visual Programming Language finished
A virtual test environment for motion capture shoots finished
AI-game Engine finished
Automated Data Visualizations – A Modular and Extensible Approach finished
Design and development of interactive web site based on a customer-oriented business model for the multimedia application C3LOOPS finished
Design av en interaktiv tjänst för en bred målgrupp finished
Development and evaluation of Flood'Ed as edutainment for mixing colors finished
Development of a Mobile Solution for Delivering Price Quotes in the Construction Industry finished
Development of a Newsroom-application for multiple mobile platforms finished
En analys av ljudlatens i Windows 10 på tillgängliga enheter finished
Enhancing the audio environment in virtual city finished
Evaluation of Object-Space Occlusion Culling with Occluder Fusion finished
Från bok till datorspel, digital transformering för främjandet av läsförståelse hos barn finished
Game-based Motion Capture Training finished
Geststyrning med Senseboard för Sblings-gränssnitt finished
Hanteringen av temporal information och domänkunskap relaterad till behandlingar för CP i ett Kliniskt beslutsstödsystem finished
HCI - En analyserande kartläggning av datavetenskapliga metaforer inom digitalisering finished
Hjälptexthantering med realtidskrav för AerotechTelubs SystemDatorFunktion (SDF) finished
Human - Virtual Agent Interaction finished
Implementation of Web Content Management System for a charity group finished
Innehållscentrerad Videoredigering i Dataytamiljö finished
Inredningshjälp på hemsida finished
Interaktiva multidisciplinära konstnärliga upplevelser i unika miljöer – digital förstärkning av scenkonst finished
Intranet for project and document management finished
Is a big button interface enough for elderly users? finished
Kan en digital artefakt öka upplevelsen av tillgänglighet inom vården finished
Livekodning Livekodarens praktik: svårt men enkelt finished
Loopaggregering ur stora audioströmmar finished
Mobile Virtual Reality Environment in Unity 3D finished
Mätningssystem för inbyggda sensorer i hälsoteknik finished
Navigeringshjälp i stormarknad med PDA finished
Navigeringshjälp i stormarknad med PDA finished
Operatörslarm med WAP finished
Pomperipossa - CAD-stöd för ovana användare finished
Software Encryption in Mobile Devices finished
Superfighters Deluxe: A Game Utilizing Web Technologies finished
Surface Interaction for touchOS finished
TDS Config Tool finished
Time Machine Computing for Media Improvisation finished
Touch gestures for process graphics finished
Uniform templates for the IT-forensic operations finished
Using Kinect to interact with presentation software finished
Using Wii motion sensing controls for industrial applications finished
Utnyttjande av VR-teknik inom flygsimuulering finished
Virtual Experience finished
Virtual Reality – Streaming and Concepts of Movement Tracking finished
Visual Programming - Simplified online programming of arcwelding robots finished
YODA finished
Bör HTML5 användas vid skapande av cross-platform applikationer? on-hold
Mobilt gränssnitt till Agimo on-hold