Magnus Hoppe, Senior Lecturer (not working at IDT anymore)

Magnus research explores organized intelligence work in modern organizations. In his PhD thesis, The Myth of the Rational Flow (2009) he introduced new ways of interpreting organized intelligence work. In his view intelligence is an individual and organizational endeavor to overcome myopia and bounded rationality that hampers successful change and development in all types of organizations, not only in commercial enterprises. At present Magnus focuses on knowledge creation, knowledge activists and informal innovation leaders, with a special interest in the micro contexts of places where change appears.

PhD in Business Administration November 2009 Lecturer at MDH in 1998 Business and media analyst at Imedia 1990-1998

Magnus research concerns both innovation and entrepreneurship, with a special research interest in Innovation Streams but also Trend spotting, Scenario development and Foresight. At the moment he’s head of research in a project addressing the implementation of entrepreneurial capabilities in health education. He is also involved in an international consortium researching Smart cities and an application for the research of triple helix coproduction. In previous research he has explored organized intelligence work in modern organizations resulting in Ph.D. in Business Administration from Åbo Akademi University, Finland. In his thesis, The Myth of the Rational Flow he introduced new ways of interpreting organized intelligence work. In his view intelligence is an individual and organizational endeavor to overcome myopia and bounded rationality that hampers successful change and development in all types of organizations, not only in commercial enterprises.

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