Bengt Wahlström is a Licentiate of Philosophy, MBA and Author, and has for decades been one of the leading experts in Scandinavia within Innovation, Environmental Scanning, and Future Strategy. Every year he meets thousands of participants in discussions, seminars and training programs on various innovation, futures and business environmental issues.
His different management books have sold over 60 000 copies, won awards in Sweden and abroad and have been translated into many languages. His latest publication is the licentiate thesis entitled "Organization, business environment signals and innovativeness", released in autumn 2012 by Mälardalen University Press.
Bengt is currently working on his tenth management book, with the working title "Head Start - Strategic and Competitive Intelligence". This book will published in the first quarter of 2015 by Liber Publishers.
Today Bengt is working as a Management Consultant with a focus on Innovation and Strategy, and as a PhD student at Mälardalen University.
Bengts research interest is within the field of Innovation, Organization and the Surrounding World and how organizations can use the external environment signals both in their innovation efforts and to a create competitive edge.
Organisation, omvärldssignaler och innovationsförmåga (Oct 2012) Bengt Wahlström
Project Title | Status |
Trendspaning kan stärka organisationers innovationsförmåga | on-hold |