Loe Önnered, Lecturer

Lecture and Ph.D. student at The School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, since 2006. Lecture and director of studies at the department for Information Design in Mälardalen University 2000-2005. Background in journalism, (topics economy and politics) at Eskilstuna-Kurien and The News Agency Direkt.

Lack of transparency tends to cause firms as well as entirely society’s loss in the economy. I try to highlight the phenomenon of transparency from an innovation perspective. Can increased transparency in business contribute to higher efficiency and business creation?

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Latest publications:

Tasks in the generative leadership; creating conditions for autonomy and integration (Jun 2009)
Mattias Åteg , Lena Wilhelmson , Tomas Backström, Marie Åberg , Bengt Köping Olsson, Loe Önnered
The 6th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning

Regisserad kompetensutveckling (Nov 2008)
Tomas Backström, Kerstin Isaksson , Lena Wilhelmson , Marie Åberg , Mattias Åteg , Loe Önnered
1:a nationella arbetslivsforskningskonferensen - Hållbart arbetsliv och lönsamhet - en konflikt?