Why Do Users Often Not Understand Manuals? (Dec 2017) Jonatan Lundin European Association for Technical Communication (tekom)
An Investigation of Maintenance Technicians’ Information-Seeking Behavior in a Repair Center (May 2018) Jonatan Lundin, Yvonne Eriksson IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (TPC)
What is an Information Source? Information Design Based on Information Source Selection Behavior (Sep 2016) Carina Söderlund, Jonatan Lundin Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ)
How do you design for findability? (Jul 2015) Jonatan Lundin ISTC Communicator (ISTC)
Design challenges for technical communicators (Nov 2016) Jonatan Lundin, Carina Söderlund, Yvonne Eriksson ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (SIGDOC16)
Towards a normative conceptual framework for information-seeking studies in technical communication (May 2014) Jonatan Lundin International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication (ISDOC2014)
Interaction with User Documentation: A Preliminary Study (Sep 2013) Jonatan Lundin International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication (ISDOC13)