
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 20

Deliverable (1)

Automated Protection and Prevention to Meet Security Requirements in DevOps Environments D1.3 (Mar 2021)
Gunnar Widforss, Olga Hendel, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Dragos Truscan , Andrey Sadovykh , Alessandra Bagnato , Rosa Iglesias , Cristina Seceleanu, Damir Bilic

Journal article (1)

Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication (Jul 2017)
Paul Pop, Detlef Scholle , Irfan Sljivo, Hans Hansson, Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)

Conference/Workshop Paper (17)

Project Management in collaborative European research projects (Apr 2021)
Gunnar Widforss, Olga Hendel
EARMA Digital Conference 2021 (EARMA '21)

VeriDevOps (Feb 2021)
Andrey Sadovykh , Gunnar Widforss, Dragos Truscan , Eduard Paul Enoiu, Wissam Mallouli , Rosa Iglesias , Alessandra Bagnato , Olga Hendel
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'21)

VeriDevOps: Automated Protection and Prevention to Meet Security Requirements in DevOps (Dec 2020)
Andrey Sadovykh , Gunnar Widforss, Dragos Truscan , Eduard Paul Enoiu, Wissam Mallouli , Rosa Iglesias , Alessandra Bagnato , Olga Hendel
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'21)

MegaM@Rt2 Project: Megamodeling at Runtime - Intermediate Results and Research Challenges (Oct 2019)
Andrey Sadovykh , Dragos Truscan , Alessandra Bagnato , Wasif Afzal, Hugo Bruneliere , Abel Gomez , Alexandra Espinosa Hortelano, Gunnar Widforss, Pierluigi Pierini , Elizabeta Fourneret
2019 International Conference on Technology of Object Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS'19)

On the Use of Hackathons to Enhance Collaboration in Large Collaborative Projects (Mar 2019)
Alexandra Espinosa Hortelano, Gunnar Widforss, Wasif Afzal, Andrey Sadovykh , Dragos Truscan , Pierluigi Pierini , Adnan Ashraf , Hugo Bruneliere , Pavel Smrz, Alessandra Bagnato
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference (DATE'19)

Is MegaM@Rt2 the solution? (Jan 2019)
Gunnar Widforss
High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation 2019 (HiPEAC 2019)

A mutual collaboration model for improved impact of research (Jun 2017)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist, Peter Wallin
University-Industry Interaction Conference 2017 (UIIN 2017)

Industrial PhD students and their projects (Oct 2016)
Angelina Sundström, Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist, Anette Hallin
International Conference on Project MANagement 2016 (ProjMAN 2016)

The SafeCOP ECSEL Project (Aug 2016)
Paul Pop, Detlef Scholle , Hans Hansson, Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2016 (DSD 2016)

Researchers strategies: Parallel or Sequential working style (Jun 2016)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist

The Project Office as Project Management Support in Complex Environments (Sep 2015)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
Proceedings from International Conference on Project MANagement/ProjMAN/2015 October 7-9, 2015 (PCS-2015)

Sharing hardships and rewards - gender in project management (Jun 2015)
Malin Rosqvist, Susi Poli, Paula Wennberg, Gunnar Widforss, Caroline Blomberg
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA'15)

Drivers for collaboration (Jun 2015)
Malin Rosqvist, Caroline Blomberg, Gunnar Widforss, Peter Wallin, Christian Reinisch , Jurgen Vinju
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA'15)

On Top of the Consortium (Jun 2015)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation 2015 (ICE 2015)

Dealing with complex projects in a research environment (Jun 2015)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
The Association of Research Managers and Administrators 25th annual conference 2015 (ARMA 2015)

Project Management in Complex Environments (May 2015)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
21st Century Projects (IPMA 2015)

Creating a consortium (Oct 2014)
Gunnar Widforss, Malin Rosqvist
Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement (ProjMAN 2014)

Student Thesis (1)

Dimensions of Community Structures in the Parish (May 2005)
Gunnar Widforss

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