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Using Afra in Different Domains by Tool Orchestration


Ehsan Khamespanah , Pavle Mrvaljevic , Anas Fattouh, Marjan Sirjani

Publication Type:

Book chapter


Springer International Publishing


The formal modelling and verification of distributed systems represent a complex process in which multiple tools are involved. Rebeca is a language that is developed to make modelling and verification of distributed systems with asynchronous message passing easier. This chapter shows how different tool orchestration methods are used for developing different verification engines for Rebeca models. As the first step, the way of enabling performance evaluation for Rebeca models is shown. To this end, state spaces that are generated for Rebeca models are transformed to the input of a third-party tool and the result of the verification is given to the modeller. The second one is developing a search-based optimisation for wireless sensors and actuators applications. Running the model checker in a loop with different input parameters helps in finding the optimum values for parameters with respect to a given optimisation goal. The third one is for safety verification and performance evaluation of collaborative autonomous machines of Volvo cars. The verification is done through developing and evaluating models by the model checking tool and Volvo car simulator (VCE Simulator).


author = {Ehsan Khamespanah and Pavle Mrvaljevic and Anas Fattouh and Marjan Sirjani},
title = {Using Afra in Different Domains by Tool Orchestration},
editor = {Robert HeinrichFrancisco Dur{\'a}nCarolyn TalcottSteffen Zschaler},
month = {July},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {Springer International Publishing},
url = {}