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Making People’s Work-Integrated Relations Visible. Useable Organisational Images for Managerial Enabling of Change


Publication Type:

Book chapter


International yearbook of adult education


This paper examines the potential contribution of organisation images where there is a need to understand and lead change. It is theoretically based on the dual assumption that leaders and co-workers learn when carrying out their work tasks, and that they act and make decisions according to their own conceptions. Intended change and development in organisations are as necessary as they are challenging. The paper aims to advance the idea of understanding organisational images as potential practical and pedagogical tools for informal change. Therefore, the paper discusses qualities of different types of organisation images in terms of their potential contribution to intended informal change, and how these images may provide support in the leading and organising of learning and development in organisations. In addition to the usual organisational chart, the visualisations ‘organisational circle’ and ‘task network’ are displayed and discussed and suggested to aid the asking of new questions, which may qualify the understanding of organisational change.


author = {Marianne D{\"o}{\"o}s and Peter E Johansson and Tomas Backstr{\"o}m},
title = {Making People’s Work-Integrated Relations Visible. Useable Organisational Images for Managerial Enabling of Change},
isbn = {978-3-412-19706-3},
editor = {Michael Schemmann},
month = {November},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {International yearbook of adult education},
url = {}