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Designing Instructional Videos using Principles of Multimedia Learning

Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Vision Plus 2015 Conference


The purpose of this study is to understand how principles of multimedia learning can be useful in designing instructional videos. Research describing the usefulness of multimedia principles for designing instructional videos especially in Liveaction video format is limited. For this purpose, in this study, two modes of video instructions were designed with two different perspectives—point of view and objective—employing principles of multimedia learning. The experiment was conducted with four student groups, each comprising between 8 to 10 participants, to evaluate the design of the video instructions. The findings show that the multimedia principles were useful and supported the design of video instructions in both modes. When comparing the two modes, participants considered the video instruction made with a point of view perspective slightly more usable in spite of this video’s perceived stylistic shortcomings.


author = {Koteshwar Chirumalla and Pelle Eriksson and Yvonne Eriksson},
title = {Designing Instructional Videos using Principles of Multimedia Learning},
month = {September},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {Vision Plus 2015 Conference},
url = {}