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Managing environmentally driven change - a movement from reactive to proactive behaviour
Publication Type:
Journal article
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
Environmental change has been driven by several incentives in manufacturing companies, for
many decades. But there is a strong need to do more in respect of sustainable development. A
literature review is presented here to explore what has been driving environmental change: the
concepts of a regulatory approach towards integration into quality management systems, and lean
concepts. A future trend that is moving towards resource availability and the earth’s capacity is
identified, and to meet the future requirements in a proactive manner, skills in sustainable
development, combining environmental, social and economic targets, can be a crucial factor for
success for a manufacturing company. Links between success factors in change management
literature and sustainability approaches are developed to support manufacturing companies in
identifying their position on the movement.
author = {Anna Sann{\"o} and Anders Fundin and Lina St{\aa}lberg},
title = {Managing environmentally driven change - a movement from reactive to proactive behaviour},
isbn = { },
editor = { },
volume = {18},
number = {2/3},
pages = {347--363},
month = {February},
year = {2016},
journal = {International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management},
publisher = {Inderscience},
url = {}