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Real-World Data Collection with UYANIK


Hüseyin Abut , Hakan Erdogan , Aytul Ercil , Baran Çürüklü, Hakki Can Koman , Fatih Tas , Ali Özgur Argunsah , Serhan Cosar , Batu Akan, Harun Karabalkan , Emre Cökelek , Rahmi Ficici , Volkan Sezer , Serhan Danis , Mehmet Karaca , Mehmet Abbak , Mustafa Gökhan Uzunbaş , Kayhan Eritmen , Mümin Imamoğlu , Caglar Kalaycıoglu

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Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior


Springer US


In this chapter, we present data collection activities and preliminary research findings from the real-world database collected with ‘‘UYANIK,’’ a passenger car instrumented with several sensors, CAN-Bus data logger, cameras, microphones, data acquisitions systems, computers, and support systems. Within the shared frameworks of Drive-Safe Consortium (Turkey) and the NEDO (Japan) International Collaborative Research on Driving Behavior Signal Processing, close to 16 TB of driver behavior, vehicular, and road data have been collected from more than 100 drivers on a 25 km route consisting of both city roads and The Trans-European Motorway (TEM) in Istanbul, Turkey. Challenge of collecting data in a metropolis with around 12 million people and famous with extremely limited infrastructure yet driving behavior defying all rules and regulations bordering madness could not be ‘‘painless.’’ Both the experience gained and the preliminary results from still on-going studies using the database are very encouraging and give comfort.


author = {H{\"u}seyin Abut and Hakan Erdogan and Aytul Ercil and Baran {\c{C}}{\"u}r{\"u}kl{\"u} and Hakki Can Koman and Fatih Tas and Ali {\"O}zgur Argunsah and Serhan Cosar and Batu Akan and Harun Karabalkan and Emre C{\"o}kelek and Rahmi Ficici and Volkan Sezer and Serhan Danis and Mehmet Karaca and Mehmet Abbak and Mustafa G{\"o}khan Uzunbaş and Kayhan Eritmen and M{\"u}min Imamoğlu and Caglar Kalaycıoglu},
title = {Real-World Data Collection with UYANIK},
isbn = {978-0-387-79581-2 (Print) 978-0-387-79582-9 (Online)},
editor = {Kazuya Takeda, Hakan Erdogan, John H.L. Hansen and Huseyin Abut},
pages = {1--21},
month = {January},
year = {2009},
publisher = {Springer US},
url = {}