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Transitioning Radical Improvement to Continuous Improvement
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
22nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
FAIM 2012 and Tampere University of Technology, Department of Production Engineering
Lean Production can be implemented by performing a radical improvement step, Kaikaku, that thereafter enables continuous improvement, Kaizen. However, the overall success and competitiveness of a company lays in its ability to combine radical improvement with continuous improvement; with radical improvement achieve fast results and with continuous improvement sustain results and gradually improve. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to investigate the relationships between radical and continuous improvement. What factors enable continuous improvement after radical improvement, and what can be done to further develop continuous improvement after radical improvement? A case study has been conducted at a company that has accomplished a radical improvement step and started their work with continuous improvement. Six pilot groups from the production facilities were observed, and interviews with supervisors, team leaders and operators were conducted. A number of business ratios have been collected in order to investigate the progress of the continuous improvement work. The study shows that success factors important for enabling continuous improvement after radical improvement are Participation, Control and Follow-up, Leadership and Values. In order for the organisation to be able to continue to improve over time, it is important that the success factors Vision and Goals, Education and Learning, Way of Working and Organisation and Support continue to develop.
author = {Lina St{\aa}lberg and Anders Fundin},
title = {Transitioning Radical Improvement to Continuous Improvement},
isbn = {978-952-15-2824-8},
editor = {Hasse Nylund},
pages = {77},
month = {June},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {22nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing},
publisher = {FAIM 2012 and Tampere University of Technology, Department of Production Engineering},
url = {}