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Creative Space in Contemporary Swedish Moving Image Production

Research group:

Publication Type:

Journal article


Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science


Society for Design and Process Science




Production of moving images is turning completely digital. This leads to new possibilities and new constraints for creativity within film and TV production chains.This paper describes professionals’ current comprehension of the consequences of the shift from celluloid to digital technologies, within the Swedish Moving Image Industry. New technologies bring new workflows, new design processes and new constraints.We aim to illuminate factors that affect design creativity in digital moving image production, by addressing questions about production related responses to the digital turn as well as the affects of such responses on creativity.Inspired by Ingar Brinck’s creativity theories (1999, 2007) we view aesthetic problem solving as a cognitive process and suggest creative spaces to be the critical phenomenon to manage. We also use organization theories, particularly the work of Katherine Miller (2011) to explain why creativity ought to be a primary management concern.The empirical material used is semi-structured interviews with management personnel in Swedish moving image production companies. Outcomes include that the variety of digital formats available today is hard for crafts people to overview. This has brought costly workflow constraints that largely limit creativity.We suggest a pre-production file format check-list as a tool to support design management.


author = {Thorbj{\"o}rn Swenberg and Pelle Eriksson and Yvonne Eriksson},
title = {Creative Space in Contemporary Swedish Moving Image Production},
month = {October},
year = {2012},
journal = {Journal of Integrated Design {\&} Process Science},
publisher = {Society for Design and Process Science},
url = {}