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Projekt Konstpaus
Ulrika Florin, Anette Rydén, Karolina Zander.Bildred.
Lotta NybladGrafisk form
Linda Porsbjer, Lotta Nyblad och Ulrika Florin.Teknisk bearbetning
Diablito Graphics, Linda PorsbjerDistribution
Konstpaus vänförening
Publicerad med stöd av, EU genom Europeiska Socialfonden, Strängnäs Kommun
Popular description of The Art Break Project, Projekt Konstpaus"Projekt Konstpaus" (The Art Break Project) is a development pro¬ject partially financed by the European Union (EU). The vision of the project embodies equality, multiculturalism and sustainable community development. The municipality of Strängnäs is the leading partner in the project and provides the necessary support for the project idea, local development, financing and infrastructure.
The project team consists of several artists, and academics such as archaeologists, cultural geographers, biologists and geologists.
The main objective of the project team is to provide the basis for the construction of a culturally inspired walking and bicycle path, with several rest spots/rest stops ("Konstpaus") designed with artistic cha¬racter influenced primarily by the municipalitys extensive nature/cul¬tural heritage.
An initial task of the project team is the inventorying of the nature and culture artefacts within the project area as a means to promote na¬ture/culture preservation for the benefit of future generations through information sharing. The walking/bicycle path will be accessible to all with special provision for physical challenged individuals. The intention is to provide an environment for both quietude and physical recreation.
author = {Ulrika Florin and Karolina Zander and Anette Ryd{\'e}n},
title = {Projekt Konstpaus},
note = {Red.
Ulrika Florin, Anette Ryd{\'e}n, Karolina Zander.Bildred.
Lotta NybladGrafisk form
Linda Porsbjer, Lotta Nyblad och Ulrika Florin.Teknisk bearbetning
Diablito Graphics, Linda PorsbjerDistribution
Konstpaus v{\"a}nf{\"o}rening
month = {January},
year = {2009},
publisher = {Publicerad med st{\"o}d av, EU genom Europeiska Socialfonden, Str{\"a}ngn{\"a}s Kommun},
url = {}