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Beskrivningsspråk i och för kreativ praxis: Idéutveckling under gruppsession
Publication Type:
Doctoral Thesis
Mälardalen University Press Dissertations
Generating and developing ideas constitute centerpieces for innovations processes, idea creation
methods and techniques most urgent in their initial phases processes, though the need is no less in
subsequent phases. Those early phases, however, allow for more deviant ideas, characterized by more
of ambiguity and uncertainty. This is an innovation process theme that is recognized as among those
least understood.
Through comparative studies of seven groups from three different practices, their interactions in idea
development and problem solving, a deeper understanding of descriptive languages and modus
operandi has been acquired. The research was carried out in three settings: brainstorming in industrial
design, musical improvisation and dialogue seminars with participants representing industrial design
and music, respectively. The compilation of the three practices’ contributions results in a conceptual
framework. It includes such concepts as, for example, ‘momentary formation’, ‘temporary
epistemology’ and ‘the play with semantic key signature’. Those concepts give examples of the
reconsidering of creative group processes, relative to previous frameworks, that is a result of these
studies. From the perspective of group idea, individuals’ creative processes might be perceived as the
searching for the different or the deviant while we suggest that group creativity is enhanced through
its members’ abilities to preserve their own perspectives and thought styles. Group creativity is based
on a willingness to focus on the central group idea while simultaneously maintaining individual
thought styles.
The problem area is mapped through the strategic use of different descriptive modus. Groups employ
iteration as a strategy for stimulating collective reflection, that is, to think about the problem again but
in other ways. We argue that critical thinking and the ability to make critical judgements is an
important driving force in the creative groups’ iterative processes: criticism makes reconsideration
meaningful. Different types of criticism are discussed, as is how they interact with groups’ idea
development and creative processes.
A creative group’s way of forming and mediating ideas, its modus operandi, is referred to as its
description language. The importance of descriptive languages driving mechanism for creative group
processes should be seen in the perspective of fundamental social cognition processes. This research
project has resulted in a deeper understanding of the relay race of initiatives that characterizes the
interactions in groups solving problems and developing ideas. The project has developed an
awareness of which descriptions that stimulate group creativity.
@phdthesis{Koping Olsson1529,
author = {Bengt K{\"o}ping Olsson},
title = {Beskrivningsspr{\aa}k i och f{\"o}r kreativ praxis: Id{\'e}utveckling under gruppsession},
number = {no.68},
month = {November},
year = {2008},
school = {M{\"a}lardalen University Press Dissertations},
url = {}