Decision Focused Product Development Process Improvements (Aug 2009) Joakim Eriksson, Anette Brannemo International Conference of Engineering Design. 2009, ICED
Whats a good idea? (Aug 2009) Joakim Eriksson International Conference of Engineering Design. 2009, ICED
Modeling Performance in Complex Product Development – a Product Development Organisational Performance Model (Oct 2008) Stefan Cedergren Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Management of Technology. 2008, IAMOT
A Proposal for a Mindset of a Project Manager (May 2008) Joakim Eriksson NordDesign 2008
Efficient Decision-Making in Product Development (Aug 2007) Joakim Eriksson, Björn Fagerström, Sofi W Elfving International Conference of Engineering Design. 2007, ICED
Efficient Decision-Making in Product Development (Aug 2007) Joakim Eriksson, Björn Fagerström, Sofi W Elfving International Conference of Engineering Design. 2007, ICED