Software Testing Laboratory


Quality assurance and testing of embedded software and systems.

The Software Testing Laboratory (STL) focuses on contemporary and future challenges in testing of embedded software systems, primarily in research projects conducted in close collaboration with industrial partners. 

With an emphasis on method and tool development, as well as industrial and practical real life case studies, our research focus includes (but is not limited to) test design, model-based testing, search-based software testing, decision-support for software testing, and test automation. In short, we develop, refine, and evaluate methods, theories and tools for testing of industrial software systems.

The objectives of STL are to improve the current body of knowledge in software testing, and to disseminate our results with the broader research community as well as with our industrial partners. To achieve this, we regularly publish in the main software testing venues, try to keep an open mind, and continuously engage in diverse academic and industrial collaboration

Project TitleStatus
AIDOaRt - AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems active
ARRAY ++, Automation Region Research Academy active
ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy active
CEST - Commissioned Education in Software Testing active
Q-Test: Startup Activities: Quality Increment in Embedded Electronic System Testing (Volvo CE APP) active
SmartDelta: Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development active
Software Center active
Software Center: Aspects of Automated Testing active
ADEPTNESS - Design-Operation Continuum Methods for Testing and Deployment under Unforeseen Conditions for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme) finished
Adequacy-based Testing of Extra-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems (VR) finished
AGENTS - Automated Generation of Tests for Simulated Software Systems (KKS) finished
ATAC - Advanced Test Automation for Complex Software-Intensive System (ITEA2/Vinnova) finished
ESS-H - Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile finished
EXACT - Experimental Analysis of the Coupling Effect Hypothesis in Software Testing finished
IMPRINT - Innovative Model-Based Product Integration Testing (Vinnova) finished
ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems finished
Less Bugs finished
MBAT - Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing (Artemis/Vinnova) finished
MegaMaRt2 - Megamodelling at Runtime (ECSEL/Vinnova) finished
PROMPT - Professional Master’s in Software Engineering (step II) finished
SWELL - Swedish V&V Excellence finished
SYNOPSIS - Safety Analysis for Predictable Software Intensive Systems finished
TESTMINE - Mining Test Evolution for Improved Software Regression Test Selection (KKS) finished
TESTOMAT Project - The Next Level of Test Automation finished
TOCSYC - Testing of Critical System Characteristics (KKS) finished
TRUSTCM - TRUSTed decision-making system for Cognitive Manufacturing finished
VeriDevOps - Automated Protection and Prevention to Meet Security Requirements in DevOps Environments finished
XIVT - eXcellence in Variant Testing finished

Wasif Afzal, Professor

Room: U1-138
Phone: +46 21107393