
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 274 (showing 1 - 50)

Doctoral Thesis (7)

Space Computing using COTS Heterogeneous Platforms (Nov 2021)
Nandinbaatar Tsog

A Model-driven Development Approach with Temporal Awareness for Vehicular Embedded Systems (Jan 2018)
Alessio Bucaioni

Preservation of Extra-Functional Properties in Embedded Systems Development (Feb 2015)
Mehrdad Saadatmand

Hierarchical scheduling for predictable execution of real-time software components and legacy systems (Dec 2014)
Rafia Inam

Communications-Oriented Modeling and Development of Vehicular Distributed Embedded Systems (Jun 2014)
Saad Mubeen
Doctoral Thesis (PhD Thesis 2014)

From Models to Code and Back: A Round-trip Approach for Model-driven Engineering of Embedded Systems (Jan 2014)
Federico Ciccozzi

Data Management in Component-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems (Jun 2012)
Andreas Hjertström

Licentiate Thesis (7)

DeepMaker: Customizing the Architecture of Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Platforms (Dec 2020)
Mohammad Loni

Improving On-Board Data Processing using CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Architectures for Real-Time Systems (Dec 2019)
Nandinbaatar Tsog

Raising Abstraction of Timing Analysis through Model-Driven Engineering (Dec 2015)
Alessio Bucaioni

Satisfying Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development of Real-Time Embedded Systems (May 2012)
Mehrdad Saadatmand

Toward Preservation of Extra-Functional Properties for Model-Driven Component-Based Software Engineering of Embedded Systems (Feb 2012)
Federico Ciccozzi

Towards a Predictable Component-Based Run-Time System (Jan 2012)
Rafia Inam

Modeling and Timing Analysis of Industrial Component-Based Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems (Jan 2012)
Saad Mubeen

Book chapter (3)

Hardware Acceleration for Recurrent Neural Networks (May 2020)
Sima Sinaei, Masoud Daneshtalab
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Extracting End-to-End Timing Models from Component-Based Distributed Embedded Systems (Mar 2014)
Saad Mubeen, Jukka Mäki-Turja, Mikael Sjödin

How to Design Source Routing for Mesh Topology Network on Chip? (Jan 2013)
Saad Mubeen, Shashi Kumar
Networks: Emerging Topics in Computer Science (Networks'13)

Collection (Editor) (2)

Theme section on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering (Sep 2020)
Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti
Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)

Editorial to theme issue on model-driven engineering of component-based software systems (Mar 2017)
Federico Ciccozzi, Jan Carlson, Patrizio Pelliccione , Massimo Tivoli
International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM'17)

Journal article (56)

From low-level programming to full-fledged industrial model-based development: the story of the Rubus Component Model (May 2023)
Alessio Bucaioni, Federico Ciccozzi, Amleto Di Salle , Mikael Sjödin
Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)

Gamifying model-based engineering: the PapyGame experience (Mar 2023)
Antonio Bucchiarone , Maxime Savary-Leblanc , Xavier Le Pallec , Antonio Cicchetti, Sebastien Gerard , Simone Bassanelli , Federica Gini , Annapaola Marconi
Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)

FastStereoNet: A Fast Neural Architecture Search for Improving the Inference of Disparity Estimation on Resource-Limited Platforms (Nov 2021)
Mohammad Loni, Ali Zoljodi, Amin Majd , Byung Hoon Ahn , Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin, Hadi Esmaeilzadeh
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (SMCS)

A Trade-Off between Computing Power and Energy Consumption of On-Board Data Processing in GPU Accelerated In-Orbit Space Systems (Sep 2021)
Nandinbaatar Tsog, Saad Mubeen, Mikael Sjödin, Fredrik Bruhn
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan (ATJ19)

What is the future of modelling? (Feb 2021)
Antonio Bucchiarone , Federico Ciccozzi, Leen Lambers , Alfonso Pierantonio, Matthias Tichy , Massimo Tisi , Andreas Wortmann , Vadim Zaytsev
IEEE Software (IEEE Software)

Blended Graphical and Textual Modelling for UML Profiles: a Proof-of-Concept Implementation and Experiment (Jan 2021)
Lorenzo Addazi, Federico Ciccozzi
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)

A software implemented comprehensive soft error detection method for embedded systems (Sep 2020)
Seyyed Amir Asghari , Mohammadreza Binesh Marvasti , Masoud Daneshtalab
Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)

Modelling multi-criticality vehicular software systems: evolution of an industrial component model (Jun 2020)
Alessio Bucaioni, Saad Mubeen, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti, Mikael Sjödin
International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM'20)

Enabling radiation tolerant heterogeneous GPU-based onboard data processing in space (Jun 2020)
Fredrik Bruhn, Nandinbaatar Tsog, Fabian Kunkel, Oskar Flordal, Ian Troxel
CEAS Space Journal (CEAS20)

NOM: Network-On-Memory for Inter-Bank Data Transfer in Highly-Banked Memories (May 2020)
Seyyed Hossein Seyyedaghaei Rezaei , Mehdi Modarressi , Rachata Ausavarungnirun , Mohammad Sadrosadati , Onur Mutlu , Masoud Daneshtalab
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL)

More precise construction of static single assignment programs using reaching definitions (Apr 2020)
Abu Naser Masud, Federico Ciccozzi
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)

DeepMaker: A Multi-Objective Optimization Framework for Deep Neural Networks in Embedded Systems (Jan 2020)
Mohammad Loni, Sima Sinaei, Ali Zoljodi, Masoud Daneshtalab, Mikael Sjödin
Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)

Defender: A Low Overhead and Efficient Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Reliable On-Chip Router (Oct 2019)
Journal of IEEE Access (IEEE-Access)

Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (Aug 2019)
Loli Burgueño , Federico Ciccozzi, Michalis Famelis , Gerti Kappel , Leen Lambers , Sebastien Mosser , Richard F. Paige , Alfonso Pierantonio, Arend Rensink , Rick Salay , Gabriele Taentzer , Antonio Vallecillo , Manuel Wimmer
Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)

Lightweight Consistency Checking for Agile Model-Based Development in Practice (Jul 2019)
Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti, Jan Carlson
15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2019) (JOT-ECMFA)

Resilience of Distributed Student Teams to Stress Factors: a Longitudinal Case-study (May 2019)
Igor Cavrak , Ivana Bosnic , Federico Ciccozzi, Raffaela Mirandola
Information and Software Technology (IST)

Recent Advances and Trends in On-board Embedded and Networked Automotive Systems (Feb 2019)
Lucia Lo Bello , Sergio Saponara , Saad Mubeen, Riccardo Mariani
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE-TII)

Guest Editorial: Embedded and Networked Systems for Intelligent Vehicles and Robots (Feb 2019)
Lucia Lo Bello , Saad Mubeen, Sergio Saponara , Riccardo Mariani , Unmesh Dutta Bordoloi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE-TII)

A 2-layer Component-based Allocation for Embedded Systems with GPUs (Jan 2019)
Gabriel Campeanu, Mehrdad Saadatmand
Designs Journal (Designs)

Multi-view approaches for software and system modelling: a systematic literature review (Dec 2018)
Antonio Cicchetti, Federico Ciccozzi, Alfonso Pierantonio
Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)

Automatic Inference of Task Parallelism in Task-graph-based Actor Models (Dec 2018)
Abu Naser Masud, Björn Lisper, Federico Ciccozzi
Journal of IEEE Access (Access'18)

Scavenging Run-time Resources to Boost Utilization in Component-based Embedded Systems with GPUs (Jun 2018)
Gabriel Campeanu, Saad Mubeen
International Journal on Advances in Software (JAS'18)

Managing diversity in distributed software development education – a longitudinal case study (Apr 2018)
Ivana Bosnic , Federico Ciccozzi, Ivica Crnkovic, Igor Cavrak , Elisabetta Di Nitto , Raffaela Mirandola , Mario Zagar
ACM Transactions on Computing Education - Special Issue on Global Software Engineering Education (TOCE)

Execution of UML models: a systematic review of research and practice (Apr 2018)
Federico Ciccozzi, Ivano Malavolta , Bran Selic
Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)

A General Methodology on Designing Acyclic Channel Dependency Graphs in Interconnection Networks (Mar 2018)
Masoumeh Ebrahimi , Masoud Daneshtalab

Parallel imperialist competitive algorithms (Jan 2018)
Amin Majd , Golnaz Sahebi , Masoud Daneshtalab, Juha Plosila , Shahriar Lotfi , Hannu Tenhunen
Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (JCC)

MoVES: a Model-driven methodology for Vehicular Embedded Systems (Jan 2018)
Alessio Bucaioni, Lorenzo Addazi, Antonio Cicchetti, Federico Ciccozzi, Romina Eramo , Saad Mubeen, Mikael Sjödin
Journal of IEEE Access (Access'18)

Characterization of trade-off preferences between non-functional properties (Oct 2017)
Ulrik Franke , Federico Ciccozzi
Elsevier Journal on Information Systems (IS)

CAP-W: Congestion-aware platform for wireless-based network-on-chip in many-core era (Jun 2017)
Amin Rezaei , Masoud Daneshtalab, Danella Zhao
Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO)

Supporting Timing Analysis of Vehicular Embedded Systems through the Refinement of Timing Constraints (Jan 2017)
Saad Mubeen, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin, John Lundbäck , Kurt-Lennart Lundbäck
International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM'17)

Model-Driven Engineering for Mission-Critical IoT Systems (Jan 2017)
Federico Ciccozzi, Ivica Crnkovic, Davide Di Ruscio , Ivano Malavolta , Patrizio Pelliccione , Romina Spalazzese
IEEE Software 2017 (IEEE Software)

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