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Architecture as Code
Alessio Bucaioni,
Amleto Di Salle
Ludovico Iovino
Patrizio Pelliccione
Franco Raimondi
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture
After more than thirty-five years of research and development in software architecture, several fundamental challenges remain unsolved. First, despite the importance of having a well-defined architecture description aligned with the system, inconsistencies and misalignments are still prevalent. Second, although numerous languages exist to describe architectures, none have achieved widespread use or recognition as a de facto standard. Third, while architecture is dynamic and evolving, with architectural decisions often made by non-architect stakeholders, there are no universally accepted methodologies to capture emergent aspects and incorporate them into the architecture.In this paper, we explore the emerging concept of architecture as code. Inspired by the success of infrastructure as code, which enables infrastructure management in a codified, automated, and repeatable manner, architecture as code aims to bring similar benefits to software architecture. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scientific paper to study this concept in depth within the context of software architecture, providing a comprehensive description and analysis of its characteristics. We also investigate how architecture as code is implemented and applied in practice.
author = {Alessio Bucaioni and Amleto Di Salle and Ludovico Iovino and Patrizio Pelliccione and Franco Raimondi},
title = {Architecture as Code},
month = {December},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture },
url = {}