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Development of the urban and industrial symbiosis in western Mälardalen


Martin Kurdve, Christina Jönsson , Ann-Sofie Granzell

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Procedia CIRP IPS2 2018



From a product service systems business model development perspective, this paper presents a case study of Västra Mälardalens industrial symbiosis, its maturity level and potentials for further development. The status and potentials of the symbiosis network, based on a survey, interviews and workshops, together with background statistics, is used to evaluate the potential improvement areas and suggest future research. The study contributes with application of evaluation models and confirms earlier research and in addition suggests future research in the field. The Symbiosis network has potential to be acting as innovation catalyst supporting companies to go beyond core business development.


author = {Martin Kurdve and Christina J{\"o}nsson and Ann-Sofie Granzell},
title = {Development of the urban and industrial symbiosis in western M{\"a}lardalen},
volume = {73},
number = {1},
pages = {96--101},
month = {July},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {Procedia CIRP IPS2 2018},
url = {}