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Approaching the Reduction of Uncertainty in Production System Design through Discrete-Event Simulation


Asier Etxagibel Larrañaga , Erik Flores-García

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


The presence of uncertainties associated to the introduction of novelty and significant change challenge manufacturing competitiveness. Addressing this issue, the purpose of this qualitative case study is to examine the uncertainties reduced by Discrete Event Simulation (DES) use during the design of a production system when significant changes are introduced at a manufacturing company. The results of this paper, based on empirical findings from a Swedish manufacturing company, reveal the presence of eight different uncertainties affecting the design of a production system including state, technical, environmental, systemic, temporal, structural, epistemic, and definitional. Empirical results also show how DES contributed to reducing technical, structural, epistemic, and definitional uncertainties. This paper contributes to existing knowledge by proposing a model that aids decision makers anticipate the type of uncertainty faced and the suitability of DES use as an uncertainty reducing activity during significant change introduction in the design of a production system.


@inproceedings{Etxagibel Larranaga5124,
author = {Asier Etxagibel Larra{\~n}aga and Erik Flores-Garc{\'\i}a},
title = {Approaching the Reduction of Uncertainty in Production System Design through Discrete-Event Simulation },
editor = {Sigrid Wenzel {\&} Tim Peter},
month = {September},
year = {2017},
url = {}