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Model for change in production systems triggered by environmental requirements
Publication Type:
Licentiate Thesis
Mälardalen University
Industry is a key player in the transition to a sustainable society where manufacturing
companies need to respond to the challenges of environmental concerns
in several ways. Nevertheless, even though several efforts have been made in
practice and in academia, more research in operations management is needed in
relation to implementing sustainable solutions. The management of change in
production systems, such as energy efficiency, will be one of the important future
areas for industry.
In accordance with this, the objective of the licentiate thesis is, through theoretical
and empirical work, focused on developing a model to support the implementation
of environmental requirements in an operations environment. Literature reviews
as well as two empirical case studies have been conducted in order to explore the
environmentally driven change. The first case study conducted is a retrospective
multiple case study, including four cases studying the implications of the
implementation of technology and identifying key factors affecting the outcome of
the change. The second case study is an international multiple study, including
nine case companies. The study explores what needs to be considered, the drivers
for initiating change as well as the key factors affecting the outcome of the change
process. The studies conducted and the results are presented in five appended
The research identifies three important links for managing environmentally driven
change: how the requirements are introduced, how and if the link between
strategic and operational level has been considered and how the need for change is
transferred to action and implementation. By providing a system approach for
managing change, it also points out the importance of understanding the
organisational abilities and maturity of the companies, which influence the
projects. The result points out sets of drivers as well as key factors, related to the
organisational abilities, that are affecting the outcome.
As future research the model, which is developed to support operations
management in their work to implement environmentally driven change, needs to
be validated in practice. In particular, research on personal commitment and
collaboration is addressed to be studied in relation to a systematic approach as
well as how to balance the priorities during the implementation.
author = {Anna Sann{\"o}},
title = {Model for change in production systems triggered by environmental requirements},
isbn = {978-91-7485-190-8},
month = {April},
year = {2015},
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen University},
url = {}