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Semi-Submersible Gravity Based Hybrid Structure – An Alternative to Jacket and Topside Platforms

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering




The aim of this research is to present the result from a case study comparing a semi-submersible gravity based hybrid structure and a jacket topside structure for two offshore wind farm converter station projects. The cases are analyzed from a transportation and installation perspective. Converter stations enable the conversion from alternating to direct current, more efficiently bringing generated wind energy to shore. Out of the project process phases e.g. planning, engineering, fabrication, transport, installation and commissioning; transportation and installation are two of the most demanding during offshore platform projects. The weight and size of an offshore platform require specialized equipment, vessels and marine contractors’ expertise to be transported and installed. The risks associated with transportation and installation (T&I) operations are related to health, safety and environment, and T&I operations are also sensitive to any disturbance e.g. accidents and delays. Many interdependencies between disciplines in the project execution process may result in consequential and immediate impact, should an activity not follow the plan and thus the risk of cost overruns increases. In an attempt to circumvent risks related to heavy lifts offshore and consequently mitigate the corresponding risks, a new platform concept has been developed a Norwegian EPC –company and a Swiss converter station manufacturer, a semi-submersible gravity based hybrid, SSGBH. The subjects presented in this paper include the general principles of the SSGBH concept and in what way risk associated with T&I operations are reduced. This paper present the platform concepts, data gathered from interviews, archival data and direct observations. Their pros and cons are presented in an objective way, while concluding that platform concepts of this kind are and should be highly customized, as should the concept selection.


author = {Peter Sj{\"o}gren and Monica Bellgran and Bj{\"o}rn Fagerstr{\"o}m},
title = {Semi-Submersible Gravity Based Hybrid Structure – An Alternative to Jacket and Topside Platforms},
month = {June},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering},
url = {}