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Societal Entrepreneurship Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting
Publication Type:
Collection (Editor)
Translating entrepreneurship into the education setting – a case of societal entrepreneurship
In this chapter I view the translation process as a societal entrepreneurship
process where both the external actors and the teachers can be regarded as
societal entrepreneurs. The translation process of entrepreneurship education
is boundary-crossing, involving the private, public and non-profi t/
voluntary (NPVO) sectors, with both external actors off ering diff erent
programmes of entrepreneurship education for the purpose of solving
societal problems and with teachers working to develop pedagogy being
active in the process (see Chapter 1). Translating expresses societal entrepreneurship,
as it involves long-term processes with the focus on developing
society and societal change through the students during their stay at
and after school.
author = {Carina Holmgren},
title = {Societal Entrepreneurship Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting},
editor = {Karin Berglund, Stockholm University, Bengt Johannisson,},
pages = {214--237},
month = {October},
year = {2012},
publisher = {Edward Elgar},
url = {}