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External Innovation Driver (EID) – a Developing and Organization Learning Service in Innovation Management. Three cases where an EID develop and learn SMEs innovation management
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
IASP-International Association of Science Parks
Innovative companies are more successful than non-innovative ones, but there seems to be a
lack of knowledge in innovation-management. Can an EID (External Innovation Driver) develop
and learn a SME (Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises) about innovation management? If so,
should the EID be supported by a STP (Science and Technology Park)? The scope of this study
includes three cases where SME:s in Sweden got education and idea-developing-support through
one idea-generating phase and one idea-developing phase. Out of 55 identified ideas in Phase
One, 12 ideas were developed in Phase Two. The SME:s got education from “Learning by
watching“ combined with “Learning by doing” according to the RAFT-model, which resulted in
6 ideas reaching the market, 1 idea became a research project and 5 ideas were terminated.
The SME:s felt it secure to know that the EID was a neutral and trusted person, supported by a
STP, not claiming for partnerships.
author = {Mikael Johnsson and Helena Blackbright},
title = {External Innovation Driver (EID) – a Developing and Organization Learning Service in Innovation Management. Three cases where an EID develop and learn SMEs innovation management},
month = {June},
year = {2011},
publisher = {IASP-International Association of Science Parks},
url = {}