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Nietzschean transcendence as core entrepreneurial challange
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Paper to Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF 2011, Stockholm
By appropriating learning from the social and cultural sciences, entrepreneurship and innovation as
research fields can be enriched and deepened. Nietzsche can make a contribution to the
understanding of entrepreneurship as a matter of transcending the established order, through the
creative work of actors. E.g. in order to be able to handle radical forms innovation and
entrepreneurship, Nietzchean conceptual resources and perspectives can be helpful. He is a
philosopher of the unconventional par excellence. An important aspect of transcendence is the
overcoming and self-transcendence of the self. The concept of übermensch by Nietzsche is here
intriguing and ambivalent in the reception of his work - seemingly an analogy to the ambivalence of
the entrepreneur-hero in the entrepreneurship literature. Closer reading indicate a more complex
understanding of men through creative work overcoming themselves, and breaking loose of
established customs and norms.
author = {Erik Lindhult and Anna-Lena Carlsson and Johan Grinbergs},
title = {Nietzschean transcendence as core entrepreneurial challange},
month = {August},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {Paper to Nordic Academy of Management Conference NFF 2011, Stockholm},
url = {}