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Existence of negative innovation-gaps affecting innovation performance in two Swedish SMEs.
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
ISPIM - International Society for Professional Innovation Management
This paper aims to achieve a deeper understanding of innovation-gaps, found in a previous study according to innovation-audits made by the authors to this paper. Negative innovation-gap is of interest as they might affect innovation-performance within companies and
further on Total innovation management (TIM). TIM is a holistic view of innovation, involving a broad representation of employees and functions for which the innovation-gaps could be crucial.
This study was made at two Swedish industrial SMEs, 1170 written questions asked to 18
employees, 12 workshops held with two company-specific-groups and one company-mixed-group
with senior management. The major findings were “organisational related innovation-gaps”,
“individual related innovation-gaps” and several subgroups to both of them, e.g. conflicting
incentives and time-related-gaps. The conclusion is to not try to categorise the gaps, but to be aware
of them when practicing innovation management, as gaps, when become too big, seems to affect
innovation-performance in a negative way.
Keywords: innovation workshop; SME; innovation-gap, innovation management; innovation-gap analysis.
author = {Mikael Johnsson and Helena Blackbright},
title = {Existence of negative innovation-gaps affecting innovation performance in two Swedish SMEs.},
month = {June},
year = {2011},
publisher = {ISPIM - International Society for Professional Innovation Management},
url = {}