A production design situation ranges from a total ‘green field’/full investment situation, to a pure redesign, rearranging and reusing existing equipment and facilities. From a research perspective, a number of schemes for production system design have been proposed over the years. From an industrial perspective, working processes mainly discuss production system design within the context of product industrialisation or from an industrial procurement perspective. This project focus on production system redesign, with its specific characteristics.A production design situation ranges from a total ‘green field’/full investment situation, to a pure redesign, rearranging and reusing existing equipment and facilities. From a research perspective, a number of schemes for production system design have been proposed over the years. From an industrial perspective, working processes mainly discuss production system design within the context of product industrialisation or from an industrial procurement perspective. This paper focus on production system redesign, with its specific characteristics.
First Name | Last Name | Title |
Magnus | Wiktorsson | Visiting Professor |
Erik | Netz |
Enabling effective Production System Redesign complementing Investment and Design processes (Nov 2009) Erik Netz , Magnus Wiktorsson Swedish Production Symposium 2009