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The Embedded Conference, ECS2014, offers the very latest within embedded technology; a two days program with the most up-to-date information from the embedded industry. The program includes keynotes, topic sessions, workshops and much more.
The research direction Embedded Systems (ES) at Mälardalen University, has built its research environment in cooperation with industry and to large extent by funding from external sources. ES´ project office, RECO (Division of Research Coordination) supports the researchers and their industrial partners when it comes to presenting suitable funding for collaboration.
In this session, RECO will give an up-date on funding for research in collaboration between industry and academia, including both Swedish and European funding. We will look at possibilities for common projects, and also for mobility of people between industry and academia. Further, we will go through available checks for SME:s; for development of products and services, and for internationalization.
On a European level, the output oriented research in Horizon 2020 (the new European innovation and research program) and the innovation process from idea to the product on markets is a challenge for new ways of working between researchers and industrial partners. The session will also present EASME, the Executive Agency for SMEs which was established to motivate and to support SMEs in the EU to co-operate with academia, and the SME instrument of Horizon 2020.
More about the Embedded Conference: