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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) frequently rely on networking infrastructures. These necessarily play a central role in supporting the needed system-wide properties, being timeliness a particularly important one as dictated by the dynamics of the associated physical processes. In this talk, we present the case for flexible channel reservation-based communication as a means to provide scalable, open and adaptive latency-constrained communication and thus enable an efficient design of emerging CPS applications, such as Remote Interactions, Collaborative Robotics and other CPS applications with variable and unanticipated bandwidth requirements.
Luis Almeida is an associate professor at the ECE Dep. of the University of Porto and a member of the Institute of Telecommunications in Porto where he coordinates the Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems group, working in real-time communication protocols and middleware for embedded systems and cooperative robotics. Currently he is also guest professor at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering of Mälardalen University, in the Embedded Systems Division.
Luis Almeida
Institute of Telecommunications (IT)
University of Porto - Faculty of Engineering, Portugal
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT)
Mälardalen University, Sweden