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IDT Open Seminar: Fixed-priority scheduling with limited pre-emptions – a status review



Start time:

2014-09-25 14:15

End time:

2014-09-25 16:00



Contact person:


Limited pre-emptive scheduling has gained a lot of interest in the real-time community during the past years, motivated by their relative strength compared to existing fully-preemptive and non-pre-emptive schemes. As examples, compared to a fully pre-emptive scheme, limited pre-emptive schemes (i) reduce memory requirements and (ii) reduce the cost of arbitrary pre-emptions.  Compared to both fully pre-emptive and non-preemptive schemes, these schemes may significantly improve the feasibility of a task set, even when pre-emption costs are ignored. This presentation reviews approaches for fixed-priority scheduling with limited pre-emptions and presents some recent advances.

Reinder J. Bril,
