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IDT Open Seminar: A Coordination Model for Global Software Development Teams


Dr. Sadhana Deshpande



Start time:

2014-03-12 10:15

End time:

2014-03-12 11:40



Contact person:


Today, outsourcing software development projects and functioning with
globally distributed teams has become increasingly common in software
industry. However, the major issue that subsists is to align and coordinate these
Global Software Development (GSD) teams to work competently with each
other. A practical approach that needs to be followed to overcome the issue is to
incorporate appropriate coordination strategies. Several effective strategies are
recommended and implemented to improve coordination between the GSD
teams. But apprehension is that many of these strategies tend to take the client
viewpoint as research from vendor perspective is underrepresented in
publications. The effort is to overcome this issue by establishing balanced
understanding between clients and vendors. To accomplish this, GSD-COORD
– an expert validated coordination model is developed for GSD teams. This
model has extended the PMBOK® Guide, 2008 framework to propose a better
approach for management of coordination issues within the GSD projects. In
addition, I discuss how to implement precise strategies as specified in this
model and follow practices to coordinate distributed teams. The model is
developed from the vendor perspective rather than the client yet the project
managers from both client and vendor companies can implement the strategies
from the model to overcome coordination issues while managing the GSD
Bio: Dr. Sadhana Deshpande is a Researcher in Software Engineering. Her
current research focus is on Global Software Engineering, Outsourcing and
Offshoring, Project Management, Quality and Business Process Modeling. She
was granted PhD by University of Limerick, Ireland in January 2013. She holds
two post-graduate degrees - Master of Business administration (MBA) and
Master in Computer Management (MCM) from University of Pune, India along
with Bachelor of Science (BSc) from Marathwada University, India.
Dr. Deshpande has recently moved to Umea, Sweden. Prior to this she was
associated with Lero-Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, University of
Limerick, Ireland from June 2007 to June 2013 where she was member of
PAISEAN and PPM research groups. She was also Co-founder for Vision
Computer Consultants, a software company based in India specializing in
project management, software development and training for financial sector for
over 12 years. She is associated with Indian software industry over last 20 years.